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​The Church Multiplication Network (CMN) and AG Trust desire to financially partner with church planters to help offset costs and maximize the launch of a new church. Our Matching Fund is a proven tool that serves as an accelerator to multipliers. Every AG church-planting project may apply for the Matching Funds one time during the pre-launch phase. Each church planter has an opportunity for CMN to match monies they have raised, up to, but not exceeding, $30,000, which they agree to replenish back into the Matching Fund.

When a church planter receives Matching Funds, they’re committing to be a part of a national church planting movement. Each dollar replenished into the Matching Fund is immediately turned around and used to fund another church plant. Matching Fund recipients are not simply receiving a one-time gift. They become part of something that God is doing across the country that is helping to reach unchurched and dechurched people.


Matching Funds

CMN Matching Fund Statistics (as of 4/2/14):

  • 300 churches have received Matching Funds

  • 20,724 people have made decisions to follow Christ.

  • 4,753 people have been baptized in water.

  • 2,659 people have experienced Spirit Baptism.

  • $2.97 million has been given to missions.

  • $1.80 million has been paid forward.


Contact Us

1445 N Boonville Ave,

Springfield, MO 65802


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