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  CMN Wives


Virtual Mentor Groups

Via Google Hangout, up to nine ladies plus a Mentor will meet for five, two-hour sessions. Some will meet weekly and others every other week. Our mentors are seasoned church planting women. We have one group for ladies who are co-pastors with their husbands. The other three groups are for church planting wives. Topics covered will include: Marriage, family, juggling family and church, finding your voice, and more. The format will be simple. You will hear wisdom and practical tips from your mentor and there will be conversation, Q&A, prayer, and lots of laughs in between. Along with mentoring, wonderful connections and friendships will form during this time together. You will have confidants and friends on whom you can call any time.


                                      Registration Information


Registration for CMN Wives is $50 for five sessions.


To register for CMN Wives click the button below:




Speakers For Wives who are Co-Pastors

Jennifer Wilkes

Co-Pastor pf Journey Community Church

Cleveland, OH


Speakers For Church Planting Wives

Kasha Henly

Church Planting Wife 

Journey Life Church

Holt, MI


Stephanie Van Pay

Church Planting Wives 

Gateway Fellowship Church

Helotes, TX



Mary Beth Bradshaw

Team Leader of CMN Wives

Lift Church

Venice, FL



Contact Us

1445 N Boonville Ave,

Springfield, MO 65802


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