Launch is a training event for church planters preparing to take off. An experienced team of planters will come along side you to walk you through a process in order to help you succeed. It is designed to benefit those planting a church within the next 8-36 months, LET'S DO LAUNCH!
Next is a training event for church a planter that deals with the most common issues that confront new church planters: planter family health, church administration basics, and staying connected to other churches and organizations. You’ll hear the struggles and successes of those who have been where you are. SEE WHAT'S NEXT!
Multiply is a training event for multiplying pastors or pastors who want to multiply. It’s interactive and focused on the specific challenges and opportunities of being a church that plants churches. Multiplication is proven to be the most effective way to reach new people and see lives changed. LET'S MULTIPLY!
Countdown to CMN Essential | North Central
Please Note: Launch registration closes 2 weeks prior to the event.
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