The 7 Steps to Plant
Seek the Lord for guidance regarding where and for whom a new church should be started.
Find a Partner
Talk with the district about the resources and processes available to you. If you don't already have a parent church, consider finding one or find out More About Parent Churches here.
Be Assessed
The purpose of the Assessment is to help you discover your readiness for planting. Start the process by taking this free online assessment (Free church planter assessment.) or if you need more information click here.
Find a Coach
Having a coach provides you with a relational network with years of experience and insight vital to the success of your church plant. Find out more about coaching here.
Get Trained
Attend LAUNCH at CMN Essential. .
Develop Ministry Plan
A comprehensive ministry plan includes aspects of demographics, team building, marketing strategies, discipleship pathways, and financial plans that you intend to utilize in your church plant. Having Trouble? Check out our PreLaunch Resources.