The Church Multiplication Network has defined four entities that are involved in the Matching Fund process:
Lead planter: This refers to the church plant team leader and/or Campus Pastor. The Lead planter will be specifically named on the Matching Fund application. Other team members do not need to be named at this time.
Donor: This refers to a person or organization that contributes to the Lead planters funding. This can be given as cash-on-hand or as a faith promise to be given in the next 12 months.
Partner: This refers to a person or organization that agrees to replenish the Matching Funds in the event the Lead planter is unable to complete the replenishment.
The Church Multiplication Network (CMN): This refers to the organization that is providing the Matching Funds.
Note: A person or organization can serve as a Donor and Partner by contributing to the Lead planter's
funding. However, the Partner is not required to give initially to the Lead planter's funding.
Lead planter has Assemblies of God credentials in good standing.
Lead planter and/or planting team has developed a partnership with a district, parent church, or collaborative group of churches.
Lead planter has been assessed utilizing a partner-approved assessment process.
Planting team has completed a partner-approved CMN Launch or church planter training process prior to the launch of the church.
The lead planter and/or planting team will present a ministry plan describing their strategy for starting the new church. Please see the Ministry Plan Guidelines, located in the FAQ, to help you get started on the content of your ministry plan.
The ministry plan must propose a process that will result in a church as defined by the General Council of the Assemblies of God. A completed application must include the date in which the New Churches Opened form or Parent Affiliated Church Charter form was submitted by the District to the General Council.
A Parent Affiliated Church (PAC) applying for Matching Funds must submit a copy of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) that clearly outlines the relationship and expectations between the Parent Church and the Parent Affiliated Church. Please see our PAC Resources, make sure to look through the sample MOUs and Crucial Parent Church Questions.
New church plants are eligible to apply for the Matching Funds during the start-up phase (approval must be obtained prior to the date of the launch of public services) of the church planting project. The partner and church planter will determine when to apply for the funds. We require that you submit your application a minimum of twelve (12) weeks prior to the public launch date of your church plant. This will ensure that CMN has ample time to process your application.
CMN's ability to award Matching Funds is dependent upon several factors: (1) you submit a completed application with corresponding documents; (2) CMN reviews your application and gives phase one approval; (3) the AG Executive Leadership Team gives final approval for Matching Funds to be awarded.
In the event that funds are not available at the time of your approval, your application will be placed on a waiting list. If funds become available between the time you are notified of your final approval and your first public launch service, you will be awarded Matching Funds. Because Matching Funds are intended to be used for the purposes of maximizing your launch, you will no longer be eligible for funds after your first public launch service. If you feel the success of your launch is strongly dependent upon the receipt of Matching Funds, you can post-pone the launch of your church plant in order to wait for funds to become available. However, your approved application will only be kept on the waiting list for a period of sixty (60) days after final approval is awarded from the AG Executive Leadership Team. Following the 60 day waiting period, you can reapply for Matching Funds if desired. -
Lead planter will agree to participate in a minimum of one coaching/mentoring session per month with a partner approved coach/mentor.
At least 50% of the donor funds must be actual cash. The other 50% may be signed pledges for a maximum
period of 12 months. -
Donor funds must include finances raised directly by the planter utilizing his or her own personal network.
The planting team must participate in partner approved "next step training" events during the fund replenishment period. We recommend joining an upcoming CMN Essential.
The partner(s) and planting team must sign an agreement that in the event the church is unable to replenish the Matching Funds, the partner(s) will be responsible to replenish the balance of the Matching Fund amount. In the event there are multiple partners, one individual/organization must be designated as the Primary Partner. The Primary Partner would become responsible for managing the relationship among all other partners (a.k.a. Secondary Partner(s)). Ultimately, the Primary Partner is responsible for ensuring the Matching Funds are replenished in the event the church plant is unable to do so.
The new church is expected to tithe (10%) monthly on the total income from undesignated tithes and offerings. Fifty percent (50%) of the tithe will be given to missions endeavors at the discretion of the new church. The remaining 50% will be used to replenish the Matching Funds until the original investment is replenished. The replenishment process will be administrated by CMN.
Once the original investment has been replenished in the Matching Fund, the newly planted church will agree to continue to invest one percent (1%) of their annual income in perpetuity to the CMN fund or until the Matching Funds recipient becomes a "grandparent church". To become a grandparent church, a Matching Fund recipient must plant a church who in turn plants a church. At that point, the Matching Fund recipient will be released from the commitment of investing 1% of their income to the CMN fund.